I cant play it alway kick me out of the game when tried to play please fix this. Please
I cant play it alway kick me out of the game when tried to play please fix this. Please
I cant fight bosses, it wont let me
Try to go on the app and it crash and kick me out game app please get it fixes soon. it been 3 months and yes I did update it and reload the app please get it fix soon
One of the best mobile RPGs I have played in awhile
Its not a pay to win game, it offers a fair chance for anyone to become successful in the game plus decent graphics :) also you get to meet new people :3
A very epic game
Man this game is great. Really enjoying this game, all I can say, is keep up the good work, and fixing the bugs. Which yall are already doing. ^_^
The game is fun
Very fun and many people are very funny and friendly. Though you could fix the bugs and crashes!!!!
Tbh I live this game its easy to level up,and craft your gear.
Omg best rpg game on mobile ever
I love this game and it is so addicting to me that I play it all day but please spend some time and fix the crashing. It might just be me but when an area has many people or things my tablet cant seem to handle it and the app crashes. I would give this a 4 star if it was a minor thing but sometimes the game crashes at something really important such as when I am trading or in a boss fight with a party. Also I think that being in a guild is pointless. There should be some other benefits besides the guild maze. Like some guild buff that if you contribute some spinas (not too much) there is some chance to get a buff that will last a day for the guild. (The idea is from a game called Unison League) And I also would really love to see some more classes such as a full on healer (maybe with some offense skills) and then you could just replace the support skills with the healer weapon skills as a main. nd also some kind of throwing knife/ shuriken ninja class because it would be cool to see a long distance dps besides the archer. And maybe the ninja would break more often like a small step below brawler. I have more but I should have posted my ideas somewhere else.....but thanks for reading this!
Great game but insane server issue with disconnection.
When I saw this game, I was like " this looks cool!" But when I downloaded it, it will load and then the screen will go black. I would really like to play this so please fix this bug! ( and to other ppl who see this there were other reviews like this that got taken down)
Very addicting and fun
I cant play every time I try it just kicks me out. I even tried redownloading it but it didnt work. Please fix this I really want play this game.
Graphics are great, gameplay is smooth and fun, where the hell has this game been!?
Only lvl 13 but awesome open stay building and classes
I absolutely love the game, I think its great. The crashing is understandable, seeing as how the game has so many features. However, I feel that something as cool as beast taming should be added. It could be a skill, maybe about 100s at first, then work its way up. I mean, how cool would it be to have a little Raffy follow you everywhere? Or even a Rutin, something small, it could even help you in battle, like Pina in SAO. And while were on the subject of SAO, I know its a long shot, but add in some of the weapons from the anime, I think it would be nice to add in a little bit of familiarity to the game. You know, just to give it the feeling of, "Hey, this game really is based off of SAO!" You know, something like that. I would say more, but Im afraid thats asking for too much. Anyway, in-game username is Roganso, if anyone reading this ever sees me, just say hi! :D
Addictive so far and continuously gives you stuff