Great game.But it would be beter if you had acces to the options sooner because some people cant play on the normal settings.
Great game.But it would be beter if you had acces to the options sooner because some people cant play on the normal settings.
Best mmorpg Ive ever play
Mais il crash sur iPhone 4s régler sa !
Nice game
I played so many mmorpg on iOS but this stay the Best
Nice graphics, gameplay, little laggy when loading, maybe the developers should store more things on ipad and less on the sever. I really appreciate to play this game either.
Nice one
This game is literally amazing, congratulations!
The best mmorpg in appStore
This game is very good & very easy to play :))
its a nice game and i hope you keep updating things fast!
Looks nice but where is the function for delete Charakter? You Must buy a Second Charakter Slot if you want delete the Char. Very Bad
Nice design and easy controls. A lot of choosing opportunities at the character design step. What bothers me is that when other players are fighting against the monsters I see them fighting the air. Would be cool if I can actually see them fight the monsters
Really good app. Good movement and seems like a whole lot of fun. Its definitely worth to have a look at it. Seems not pay2win atm :)
The best stuff i ever played little like fly for fun
I want Play this Game on iPad mini2 but it Crash always
I discovered this game by chance, but I like it very much. I do want new playerlevels to be released, though. But please go on with this game.
The game and graphics are awesome but if I wanna receive some emblems or build up my stats the game cancels. May you guys fix that?
I actually am really suprised about the game, i didnt know that such beautiful detail and depth was possible for a mobile mmorpg! Really thumbs up for the game itself! Heres my problem though, actually it is a realllyyyy big problem too: I am disconnected, as soon as i: try to distribute my stat points, try to change maps through teleportation, try to recieve emblems, and sometimes if i try to change maps the normal way... I would be very thankful for you, if youd find the cause and the solution be put up with it! Iphone 5S, thank you very much!
It crashes whenever I try to play